Commercial Stainless Steel Benches
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To provide the best services to your customer, one requires something that not only works adequately but serves you right as well t. The modern commercial stainless steel tables are the best you can ever set your eyes on. They come in various shapes and sizes all aimed to provide you with the best experience. An ideal table for any commercial environment that requires efficiency and durability. This comes along others catering equipment such as commercial ovens, mixers (Robot Coupe),
The table is also easy to maintain without a single sweat. The perfect table for that wonderful commercial kitchen when it comes to hygiene. Unlike all other tables made of metal, the steel tables are safe from rust. Made of 304 steel the table is not only immune to rust but also maintains its a beauty for a long time.
As mentioned earlier they come in different shapes and sizes to suit your taste. Let’s have a look at the different types of commercial steel tables.
Wall bench steel table
Talking about efficiency this is the best steel table you can get your hand on. Their design differs from the rest with a shelf that provides room for food and equipment storage. The edge towards the wall is raised, upstand, meant for stability when against the wall. The table is also subdivided into various types depending on its size. Mostly comes with a height of 900mm, depth 600mm with of 300mm to 2400mm. Plenty to choose from. They are often listed during the the butcher shop design phase.
Center bench
Compared to the wall bench the center bench has no upstand on its rare. However, this doesn’t mean that it does not function efficiently. The table is well welded to, stable on the ground with 4 legs. The amazing fact about this table is that it can function well at almost any point in the kitchen. From the wall to the center. But mostly meant for the central purposes. Equipped with shelves for food storage, its capacity is extremely thrilling. Some tables come equipped with the ability to keep food warm for longer hours. An added advantage to the kitchen users. Just like the wall bench, the center bench comes in different sizes to serve its purpose. Bench base design varies from one bench to another. The fixed base shelf is the most dominating types in the market, The U-shaped tie base, the T-cross bar, the part void. Take time to choose your preferred option.
Corner bench
The corner bench resembles the wall bench due to the upstand. The corner bench is meant for corners in the kitchen or workstation, and should not be moved from time to time. The corner should be at a right angle to fit the angle of the corner steel table. Just like all the tables above the corner table is designed to be durable and stable in use. Equipped with shelves one can store all the requirements on the shelves. It also has various base designs to suit the L-shape design.
Having the right equipment gives you an added advantage over your competitor. Get the best commercial steel table to suit your taste. For beauty and hygiene.
See our latest article about our commercial kitchen design.
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